Friday, January 29, 2010

Knitting and Ice Skating

Lastnight was the last Knitting 101 class. I will miss going to them. I'm in awe that the teacher had us knitting such cool things in 4 classes! I've been wanting a burnt orange hat for a few months now, and I fell in love with the sheep wool/alpaca yarn I found. At first I was all thumbs and then some. It is starting to be a relaxing thing now. I'm planning to make Laughing Water and I matching hats and scarves. I'll probably have them done just in time for summer! ;-)
Mr. Blueberry Eyes is ice skating on our driveway. It is in a shady spot and tends to make quite a little lake on melty days. It is quite a pain to live with, except when it comes to skating!
Laughing Water is with Granny flash, working to make some $ today. The Wood Artist is working on taxes. He is a meticulous soul and our accountant can be mighty thankful I'm not the one preparing the taxes. He would get a paper sack full of receipts and check stubs! I'm not a tax kind of person. As for me, I would eagerly support the abolition of property and income and death tax in favor of a flat sales tax. Less paperwork for me!
As for me, I'm cleaning and cooking today. I'm grieving the loss of friends that are moving away and wondering why life has to be so full of change. I'm looking for a recipe for brocolli cheese soup. And I have to come up with a game about the human body for my son's class at church tomorrow.
TTFN - Nanette


Anonymous said...

Oh nan,
I can't wait till you teach me how to knit like that. I can knit but not like that. So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, that last post was posted by me, Julie

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hat and scarf. You learn so quickly....It will take me a bit longer, but I WILL learn. Thanks for inviting me to the class. Great!!!

Laughing Water said...

Love your kitting progects mommy that hat is just perfecto wish I could knit that well my knitting is coming along but it is not that good yet. Yes I can not wate to have matching skarf and hat. I love you and hope you ceep on posting so prettily. My you have alot of anonymouses. Well I shuold proboly let you go now, LOVE you SO GARGANTUENLE much ha.
TTFN-laughing Water

nani said...

Your knitting projects are beautiful. Is the combination wool/alpaca yarn soft like alpaca? So enjoy your posts and pictures and appreciate them. Laughing Water is doing so well with her writing too. She has a wonderful teacher and example!
