Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bean Planting Preparations

So, how can I think about my garden when we are struggling though snow drifts?! In the case of my beans, I have to. We have a terrible problem with cut worms and I plant my bean seeds in a little cylinder made of toilet paper/paper towel rolls. This keeps the cut worms out (for the most part). So, this is the time of year that I have to start saving them. Brother Schnicklefritz got me off to a great start by bringing me his Christmas wrapping paper tubes.

This picture of our cat, Lucky Tiger, cracks me
up! She looks like how I feel today - Blah and
grouchy! I'm struggling with intense interuptions and my thoughts are going in a bazillion different directions.

Old Faithful is not doing well. He has swollen spots on his muzzle that I think are his gingival tumors flaring up. I'm worried that his days are numbered.

Homeschooling is dicy today. Grumpy, peevish and needy kids don't mix well with a nervous and tired Mommy! Mr. Blueberry Eyes, usually quick at his math, took an hour to complete it. Laughing Water's verbal learning style is causing her to talk herself through her math at a very loud decible. Reminders from me for quietness last for about 1 minute. ARRRGGGGHHHH!

O.k. I'm quitting before I cast a cloud on your day, too! - Nanette

1 comment:

Nani said...

I am wondering if it is the same worms that seem to get our beans after they sprout and come up? It seems that the stem is there but the leaves are gone.
I pray you day ended up being better than your morning. Each day seems to have its share of challenges. I try to be thankful that all the challenges each day don't happen together all on one day.
I am sorry to hear about Old Faithful. It is sad and hard to have pets get old and not be well.

Praise God that every day is a new day. Love ya.
