Friday, January 2, 2009

Forecast Snowy White, Indeed!

O.k., so this is a real winter. I've lost track of how many snows we've had recently. It seems that hardly one 4-6 inch whiteness has fallen, when another is beginning. Today alone, I think we've received about 12 inches and it is still blowing. Emergency travel only, of course. The Wood Artist shoveled us out faithfully this morning, but when I went out a few hours later, there was another 4 inches on the steps. I asked him why he hadn't shoveled yet today, and he stammered something out about feeling lazy.
But I must admit, I like it. I've said it before, but I love nothing better than a good blizzard if I'm inside beside the fire with a good book! I love a strong, four season climate. One works so hard outdoors in the summer - gardening, wood getting, camping, hiking, that there is a certain quaintness in being snowbound.
It isn't so easy for everyone. I've learned that some friends and even close loved ones has Seasonal Affective Disorder. I count myself blessed to not have it personally, but still have to make sure I keep cheery lights and music going.
We returned home from our Christmas vacation on Wednesday at 4 p.m. By 6 p.m., my family was here to celebrate the New Year. We had salad and pizza. Yesterday and today, I've been cleaning like a mad woman. Its seems each January that passes, I get a stronger urge to be "Out with the old and in with the new". Since we live in a house of about 900 sq. ft. with 2 children, two dogs, two cats, two frogs and three fish, I feel a constant need to purge the unnecessary. Yesterday, we cleaned Mr. Blueberry Eyes' toybox and storage containers. Today was mostly puttering here and there, but some good did get done.
Laughing Water has a penchant for experimenting with looks of different people groups - muslim, Bible times, Medieval queens. Today has been Amish. She attatched a far-too-small bonnet to the back of her head with hair pins. Other than the color, it looked very realistic! (I had fun reminding her when she was frustrated with her brother that an Amish girl would love to cheerfully help her brother! Kinda mean, huh?!) The look sort of unraveled below the neck, though - a bright red dress! Hmmm. She had fun earlier making a very yummy snow cream all by herself.
As evening approaches I have no idea what I'm going to fix for supper. I'm tired and wish I had a full time cook!
So what are you doing now? Is it snowy where you live? Leave a comment and let me know! "May your mocassins make tracks in many snows!" Nanette


CntryTwist said...

It has snowed here quite a bit. Now we have cold and blowing. Today was a work day, but I left work at 3 as my Friday habit during winter dictates. Visibility was 1/2 mile at best; much less at times. I'm grateful to God for a wonderful wife and awesome friends to keep the winter blues away.

momof4boys said...

Oh, there is snow here alright but in the last day or so it has warmed up a bit to a balmy -37. It was -40 so we are also enjoying the quaint stay at home winter flavor a bit. We did go to church and out to eat at a friends though. Just sparce town days, that's all. Truck doesn't like to run so well in this weather either so I guess we'll have to whip out the old dog sleds and mush our dog. :0)
