Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Random Thoughts and a Birthday Wish

Today has been full of snuggles and tickles and favorite foods and lots of remembering. Laughing Water turned 11 today. Cliche's can't capture the meaning of time flown by. Surely it was just yesterday they put her stout little self into my arms. We bonded the first instant. Now she is eleven. I refuse to think about the future. I'm content today.

Here is a picture of Laughing Water working on her sewing project over spring break. It isn't done yet. I'll post pictures of it when it is.

Here are random pictures of our garden, bare and anticipating the good things to come. We hauled lots of manure for it, but it isn't near enough!

Baseball was cancelled today at the last minute due to a snowstorm. Laughing Water was delighted. She's afraid of the ball now that she's been hit in the mouth.

I'm scrounging to see if I can find about 600 ft. of 6 ft. chicken wire for really cheap or free! Am I crazy? Yah.

My chive patch is bursting to life already. It is inside my hoop house.

Here is my garden, ready for the planting season.

1 comment:

granny flash said...

Soooo happy that you can have a big garden and a greenhouse.
Granny Flash
