Friday, September 17, 2010

Wild, Wacky, and Wonderful

Here's a few cool shots of what we've seen the last few days. This is a toy car that was left in the yard. I started to pick it up to put it away and all of these ant eggs fell out. The ants were justly upset by my intrusion. I left the nursery alone. I can pick up the car another time.
I'm pretty proud of these melons! This is the first year I've had a melon harvest. The watermelon was not ripe enough, but the canteloupe was amazing- so juicy and sweet!

We were pretty excited to see the pine siskins return to us this week. A few years ago, we had a lot of them, but for some reason, they've not been around for a while. I love this action shot - Nanette

1 comment:

Karen E said...

Hi Nan, What fun to visit your blog! Your life looks busy, happy, and so interesting. :) I'm impressed by the size of the watermelon and cantaloupe from your garden. Always fun to see pictures of your family and happenings!

See you in Spangle sometime. :)

