Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Lovely Fall Day

I'm letting go of my usual frenetic pace today. The Wood Artist and I have a touch of the stomach flu now. Not bad, just enough to make me feel like taking it easy. The sun is shining and the fall day hardly seems like November! It is gorgeous, gorgeous! I had a really fun Bible class with the kids this morning. They are painting a mural of Heaven. We mixed a bunch of colors of acrylic paint into individual paper cups. Then spread newsprint on the table and they started to paint while I read Revelation 21-22 to them about Heaven from the Clear Word, a great paraphrase of the Bible. It was a really bonding time and they begged me to read more when I was done. So, we haven't got to math yet. But that is o.k. for today. I usually don't relax much on a school day because I'm afraid of falling behind, but Laughing Water is doing well and it has been one of those sicky weeks.
The Wood Artist scored big time lastnight. He got treats in town and set up our Reading Cottage (our class room) all romantic like. He started a fire in the stove and put the screen on so we could see the flames. He put candles around and brought out our wedding goblets, filled with root beer ( my favorite cold drink). We left the kids in the house with a video and their own treats. Then we read Christmas stories to each other while the other one administered a foot massage. SHWEEET! He'll be reaping brownie points for a long time! - Nanette

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