Thursday, July 14, 2022

We Interrupt Our Regular Broadcasting...

I just wanted to take a break from our latest theme and let you know some really good news that has happened in our family. Mr. Blueberry Eyes and his beloved Abbi became engaged a couple of weeks ago. We are so very happy. These two are so suited to each other. 
It will be a while before the wedding as they want to finish college and attend universities across the country from each other, but they wanted to make it official.

Abbi and Mr. Blueberry Eyes have been friends since childhood, but didn't really "notice" each other until a couple of years ago.  In an interesting twist, Abbi is Ben's (Laughing Water's husband) sister. 



Anonymous said...

So extremely happy for them!

Janya said...

♥️💞❣ Congratulations. Perhaps there will be double cousins in another 10 years 😉

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!!!! I am so happy for your family 💕💕💕

Laurel said...

Wonderful!!! Congratulations to all <3 Laurel
