Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Twilight Walk Through the Garden II

The brassicas are growing nicely.  They are large enough that I can take the chicken wire off of them.
I can already taste the pickles....
Mr. Blueberry Eyes is particularly excited about the garlic scapes.  He likes them pickled with the cucumbers.
The herb garden...
The elderberry plant is setting on quite a few berries.  I hope to make elderberry syrup for medicinal purposes.
A baby Bartlett pear!  It will be my first year for pears.
A first for golden delicious apples, too!
The three currant bushes are getting large and lush.
The grape vine is starting to twine up the fence.
Emmert wheat.  This should be a fun experiment.
There is so much more, but that is for another post. - Nanette

1 comment:

nani said...

Excited for you as you look forward to reaping the fruit of of your labors. Everything looks beautiful.
