Thursday, November 18, 2010

Some Things Never Change

I was pondering my life the past 2 1/2 years, thinking about my attitudes and how the economic downturn has affected them.  There have been pretty dark days that I hope I never have to repeat.  I don't like having to make every last decision based on the minutia of our income or lack of it.  But then, there are good things, too.  Here are some things I've learned:

In tough financial times,

*Applesauce smells sweeter.
*Homemade bread makes you feel rich.
*Sawdust does work for cat litter.
*Friends may or may not understand.
*Friends may say they understand when it is obvious that they do not.
*Forgiveness is still valuable.
*Your kids' laughter is still amazing.
*You feel like you won the lottery when you find something you wanted for free, or almost.
*Kissing still makes your heart flutter.
*A movie from the library saves you a theater ticket.
*Librarians are honest-to-goodness heroes and heroines.
*Watching your pet suffer because you don't have the money to get him help stinks. 
*Thank goodness for veterinarians who are helpful anyway.
*A good book feels and smells the same whether you paid full price, or borrowed it.
*Home-made gifts are more meaningful.
*Home-made gifts take a freaking long time to make.
*Good neighbors are a benefit in the salary of life.
*Snow is a free seratonin booster.
*Its scary when you don't have the $ for safe snow tires.
*Self-confidence goes up when you learn to do something you used to pay someone else to do.
*My house still gets dirty
*Children are better problem solvers when they have to earn their own money to get something they really want.
*Hot baths are a great self-comfort strategy.
*Parents are good people to have around.
*Good health IS wealth. (Like they always said.)
*Creativity blossoms when its needed.
*Soup IS good food!
*Butterflies and bees still bring a smile - especially when they all land on your homegrown echinacea right in front of your camera.

Here's to seeing the good in bad times!  - Nanette


Alisa Callos said...

Loved this! What a great list, so much to be thankful for...and isn't it a bummer? My house gets dirty too :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the librarian recognition! Customers like you make our day!
