Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Baseball and Caterpillars

Life has taken us by storm lately. I've had so much to write about and no time to do it. We've finally had warm enough weather to get into the garden. I have spent the last two days planting what can be planted this early: 7 varieties of potatoes, three varieties of onion, leeks, peas, and a few things in my 40' hoop house.
I'm sad because most of my tomatoes and basil that I started in pots died. I think it was bad potting soil. I get sad whenever I lose plants, but I was particularly sad about my heirloom tomatoes. I'm going to try again. Hopefully there is still time for them to mature!
In other news, the children had a fun experiment keeping some caterpillars they found in the hoop house. They collected about a dozen and watched 2-3 of them make cacoons. Unfortunately, the 'pillars had been infested with a parasite's eggs and they died. That, too, was an education, though!
Mr. Blueberry Eyes is having fun in baseball. Laughing water had a piano recital.
The Wood Artist and I spoke at the State Homeschool Convention, sharing about how to overcome learning difficulties.
I've also started making some willow furniture for our deck. So, as you can see, life has taken us by storm and we are just hanging on! School is wrapping up and we will soon be in full fledged summer break. I hope you are all enjoying your spring!

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