Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 Introducing Shithead

It's pronounced SHI-THEED. Get your mind out of the gutter. We name everything in this house. Queen Bees. Vehicles. Everything. Even tumors. 

So Shithead has given birth to 41 BBBs. (Bastard Brain Babies), Four LLLs (Lily Liver Lesions) and....I don't know how many bone spots (name suggestions?).

The amazing news is that I was approved for FREE targeted meds from the drug company. I was approved almost immediately and they are shipping the meds as we speak. I'm assured my EGFR on area 19 (I love saying that) will respond very quickly, including all of its named and unnamed entities.

So here are some things I've learned....

*Having cancer makes you feel entitled. Want a whole package of organic blueberries for a snack? Go for it. Want an entire pint of plant based, sugar-free ice cream? Eat the whole thing. That one is not, however, free of consequences.

*Cancer is a fulltime my friend Karen said.

* You will have more conversations with strange men about what kind of bra you have than you ever thought possible. (For the diagnostic machines.)

*You should probably NOT tell the guy at ATT your latest life story. Somewhere there's a poor phone sales rep looking for a good counselor.

*Get you some people like mine. I have the BEST people. They are knocking the support crew thing right out of the park (a post all of its own).

*Sometimes people are weird. 

*People handle grief very differently. Some weep openly with you. Some won't contact you until they can do it with a stiff upper lip. Some sit with you. Some go into a flurry of activity.  I need them all. BE YOU.

Pretty sure this list is going to grow.



Anonymous said...

It is easier to face anything if it has a name. I appreciate your bravery in posting about your current life. And, I am so looking forward to hearing what you have to say later when you are looking back on these same posts....

Anonymous said...

Oh Nan! I am right there with you every step. Praying for you and wishing I could go to you, but I have no passport. I love you! Keep up the good fight my friend.

Anonymous said...

I think your bone mets should be called bone bandits. Just an idea! My heart is with you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your humor is amazing! Wish we all could be so brave and clever

Anonymous said...

Bone Spots should be called BS and we all know what that means...hey, no cussin----Blessme, Savior! This way, every time you talk about the BS, you're asking for the Lord's blessing :-)

Janya said...

Praying for you often. Glad to hear of the free targeted meds. Love the furry companion nestled in your neck

Laurel said...

Oh Nan, I love how you can have a sense of humor through all of this.......Hope the ATT guy recovers as well and you recover the "Bra sharing" incidents <3 Praying for you <3

Anonymous said...

You have the most gracious and understanding attitude for the expression of grief from others that I have ever heard--"I need them all. BE YOU." So kind and freeing and community-minded.
