Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Farewell School Year 2010-11!

Today was the last day of school.  Its a little bittersweet.  We are so looking forward to the "lazy days" of summer!  But we had so much fun.  We made wonderful friends.  We learned much about numbers and words and stories and letters and rhyms.  We learned about ourselves, too - good things and ugly things.  Most importantly, we were a family and enjoyed every minute of it. I'll miss it.
 A couple of weeks ago, we had a huge track and field day with 500-600 kids.  I was the team leader for the 2nd grade home school boys and girls.  I don't usually post pictures of my kids with others for privacy reasons, but this one was so cute I decided to block faces and post it.  Mr. Blueberry Eyes had so much fun and he won a 6th place ribbon in the sack race, too.
 A few days ago, I told the kids we were done with school for the day and I put on a book on tape by Henty called "The Cat of Bubastes"  Mr. Blueberry Eyes got out his cars to keep his hands busy while he listened.  Apparently, a candle makes a great anchor for a race track.
 Mr. Blueberry Eyes was invested with some honors in his scout club by a dear friend. Laughing Water also earned several honors.

We're starting to make it out into the mountains a little for hikes.  The snow pack is huge, so I think it will be some time before we really can get into the back country.  Can't wait.  I need to chill out in the wilderness for a while.
 One of our last science projects was to make rag doll seed testers for 100 domestic seeds and 100 wild seeds.  So far (at 5 days), the corn tests have boasted 93% and 94%.  The wild mill weed is only at 10%, but I'm sure it will increase.
In other news, I feel like the rug is being yanked out from under me.  We're having some big decisions to make and the options aren't my favorite.  But,  I trust that Providence is in control.  This blog could  have some interesting adventures comin' up!  More later. - Nanette

1 comment:

nani said...

Praying the coming up blogs are all about very good and special things like those past. Thanks for pics. Good job kids in all your projects and mom in keeping them all going.
