Monday, November 22, 2010

The Hill

 These pictures are hardly representative of our day!  We're having frigid temperatures and high winds with a little snow.  We're keeping the house warm with space heaters.  Poor Old Faithful's hip bones get awfully stiff after he goes outside for relief trip. 

Still, it is fun to look back at the summer's photos.  I got so behind on posting my garden pictures when Blogspot was reworking things, so I figure I'll just keep posting garden pictures for a while.  Here is a beauty!  Its a seed globe of a leek.  I fully intended on harvesting it.  If I can make it out tomorrow, maybe I'll see if I can still get it - if the blizzard winds haven't blown it away.  It would be fun to see if I can start some leeks indoors next spring.  I'm on quite a learning curve when it comes to seed saving!  I'll have to look up just how to do leeks.
 I took this picture of my long cayenne thins on a warm, fall day.  I stepped into my hoop house to find it exceedingly hot.  My camera lense immediately fogged up.  I thought the effect was kind of cool!
This is the pole bean tipi I made for the kids this summer.  I was pleased with how it filled out.

So I guess the biggest news is that I've come to the hill.  Today was the big day.  I've been dreading it, but now that it is here, I'm accepting it.  Laughing Water threw me a party a week ago.  It was very sweet of her and she did a great job!  I know she had lots of help, too. 

It has me thinking many philosophical thoughts, like, "What have I done to impact the world in a positive way?"  "Am I just a consumer, or have I been a producer and made the world a better place?" I have a lot of great friends, which are softening the blow a little!  They tell me that 40 is the new 30 and that 40s are better than one's 30s, etc.  We'll see.  The support I'm getting at home is that The Wood Artist keeps reminding me that I need to update my blog profile.  He says it shouldn't say 30-something anymore....I could do without that kind of support!

As for me, I spent the day reworking my living room to make a more convenient sewing area for myself.  That is a gift for me! (Weird, I know.)  I think I will feel like being more creative with a workable work space.  First project up is to finish Laughing Water's medieval courtier's dress.

I've also been nursing a sick Mr. Blueberry Eyes.  Its looking like a trip to urgent care will be first-up on my agenda for the morning.  Poor little tyke had been battling a fever now for two days and now has a painfully sore throat and stuff up ears.  Enough of trying "natural remedies".  Its time for a doctor!  Wish us luck! - Nanette

1 comment:

Karen E said...

Hi Nan! Belated happy birthday to you!! Glad you survived the big 4-0. I didn't like it much either, but after that trauma, 41 and 42 have been painless. :)

We got the first big snow of the season this week. Tom says it seems like it would be easier to back out of it than to go through it (winter, that is.) Of course our winters are wimpy in contrast with yours.

I love seeing pictures of your garden. I feel inspired to try a bean tipi ourselves. Looks like a fun play house.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Love, Karen
