Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The First Day of Snow

Today is the first snowstorm of the year.  We've planned this with great anticipation and we plan to celebrate!  We're taking the afternoon off of school.  Sinbad and scimitars will just have to wait until tomorrow.  We're going to celebrate the blustery day by going to the library.  This is a real treat because I usually order the library books we need using the online option our library provides.  But this time, the kids will get to paw through the books and sit and read in the little chairs.  I may even get to sniff through some engaging material for myself.  I'm on the hunt for a good book on c.d.

After that, we will check out a winter movie, maybe even "Frosty the Snowman", and head home for some chai tea and a little screen time.  Usually, we would break out our first jar of huckleberry jam, but the bushes just didn't cooperate this year, so we'll have to do without.

I'm pretty excited about Laughing Water's growing artistic talent.  This is a freehand drawing she did of a gladiator to add to her history notebook. 

So, I'd love to hear what you all do to celebrate the first day of snow.....Nanette

1 comment:

momof4boys said...

Ummmm... first day of snow? We groaned! It was in September this year! Thankfully it didn't stay and we've had our first snow to stay just 4 days ago. :0)
