Tuesday, September 7, 2010

'Twas the Night Before School

This is my little brother. He leaves for a tour of duty in a little over a week. Our church had a special service of dedication for him and a couple of other young men who are in his unit. I really can't believe it. I always used to worry about my little brothers "having to go to war". It has actually happened! Fortunately, this time it is to a place generally thought of as safer than "the other". For that, we are thankful.
This family picture isn't complete. Brother MP and his wife weren't there that day. Still, I like the picture.
The Wood Artist is still feeling yucky tonight. Mr. Blueberry Eyes is still feeling a little punky, but was enough better that we could tease him about his less-than-finest moments yesterday. Today, he could laugh. That's good. I don't like seeing my peeps down.
So, tomorrow is the big day. School starts. Laughing Water is a sixth grader. Mr. Blueberry Eyes, a second grader. They are excited. I'm mostly ready, but there were a few things that didn't quite get done - mostly typing out the schedules I've scribbled out.
I did manage to pull in a few things from the garden. A dozen quarts of pickles are cooling on the table. There is still much to be done. Tomorrow is another day. - Nanette

1 comment:

nani said...

A special picture of your family Nan.
