Sunday, July 25, 2010

Biking the Hiawatha

Events are happening so fast in our lives this summer that I can hardly pack and unpack for them, let alone blog about them. But, I have been taking pictures and I thought I'd stay up a few minutes tonight and put some of them on for you to look at. The Wood Artist and I celebrated our 14th anniversary recently and celebrated by doing some exploring in Northern Idaho. We went to museums and antique shops in Wallace and had fun biking the local trails.
These pictures are from the Hiawatha Trail. What a beautiful, fun ride! It started with a 1.7 mile tunnel where we had to use headlamps. It was so cold in the tunnel! The rest of the day, however, was pretty warm.

My headlamp wasn't very new and bright, so I had a little difficulty seeing, but eventually, I did make it.

We stopped partway down and had a haystack picnic!

At the bottom, we met a bus that took us back to the top. Here's a picture of the bikes hanging in the bus. The trip was a total of 17 miles. It was made on the famous, old train track called the Route of the Hiawatha, so the trail was gradual and an easy down hill. It went over tressles and through a number of tunnels. So there is one of our latest adventures. - Nanette

1 comment:

nani said...

So fun to see the pictures. They are beautiful. Looking forward to some some camping ones too. Love to all.
