The other picture is of a project that The Wood Artist and I both contributed to. When we lived and taught school in Hong Kong, I did a lot of counted cross stitch. That was before I had kids! When The Wood Artist saw the finished project, he said, "I have an idea for displaying that. But, it will have to wait until I find just the right piece of wood."
In other news, I'm taking Old Faithful to the vet tomorrow to get his absessed tooth pulled. He is really suffering from it and I wish they could have done it sooner. It actually started seeping through his muzzle a couple of days ago. The antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds are definitely helping.
Tomorrow is also a joyful day. My Brother MP is getting married. It will be a quiet affair at the courthouse as they are having a wedding in the summer when he gets home from boot camp and other training. The children are bursting with excitement over getting a new auntie that they love!
Today, I took a trip down memory lane. We are selling our old Kindershuttle, a sled to pull small children behind their parents while skiing. It was quite a job to vacuum and wash the storage dust off of it. I had fun remembering both of my munchkins riding in it. Mr. Bluberry Eyes screamed his head off the first time he rode in it! As soon as they were three, we got them on skiis of their own. They enjoyed being able to move about on their own, but I still have fond memories of my babies all bundled up in the covered sled! TTFN - Nanette
Hi Nan,
Those are pretty snazzy little clothes. You would so fin in here with our little group. Last night I made a big East Indian dinner and had a couple of friends over and we discussed our next Art Show. We are going to be doing a theme on "The Celebration of Grace and Beauty in Age" "A story in Every Line". Every line, meaning every line in our Art work and every wrinkle in an old persons face. It is going to be so cool! We also were making plans for our Valantines Weekend retreat for couples in our church. We are going to be renting winter yurts and a log lodge and having a "Fireproof" marriage seminar and get away! OH, how we need all your ideas and your art work.
Oh, you make it sound so nice! Here's to hoping!
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