All things creative, educational, sustainable. The philosophical and practical musings of a country dweller.
Friday, July 31, 2009
What is a Mummy's Favorite Berry?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Salad Dressing
1 to 1 1/2 cups plain, lowfat yoghurt
1/2 cup olive oil
1 large handful of fresh dill ferns
4-5 small garlic scapes
a few splashes of balsamic vinegar
1 t. Vege-Sal (a seasoned salt)
Blend thoroughly.
The pictures are my romaine lettuce and purple basil. As you can see, I've learned that basil grows just fine from direct-sow and catches up to the starts, so why bother planting them indoors? I'm happy to have learned this!
Other blessings today include a brilliant sunshine, healthy kids, time for The Wood Artist to work his magic on some raw wood that will soon be lovely candle holders. He also promised to taker the children to free-swim at the city pool tonight. That will give me some along time!Cheers! - Nanette
Monday, July 20, 2009
Blah, Blah, Blah
It is late. I seem to drag through these hot days and then get slightly more energetic at night when it cools down. Our "new" Tahoe is at the transmission doctor right now. It seems everything is breaking. The estimate to rebuild the transmission is $2600-2900. Ouch! The Wood Artist very low on work. I've never seen him out of work before because he is such a hard, skilled worker. But the downturn has hit our tutoring business hard and his other skills lie in areas that people are cutting back on right now. This will mostly wipe out our savings, but, hey, at least we don't have to go into debt for it, right? That's a happy thing.
Our camera broke, too. Our new one. Not sure what to do to fix it. We may have to send it into the factory. And, the garbage disposal broke.....The Wood Artist did fix that one. We're having untold roadblocks in starting our online tutoring business. The state lost our application for a non-profit organization we were starting to help fund reading students who can't afford to pay. I'm having a hard time counting my blessings right now, but I suppose this is when I should do it the most!
The Wood Artist and I had fun on our anniversary get-away this weekend. We drove south about four hours and stayed at a hotel. During the days we explored some fabulous country spots. We saw twin fawns, picked yummy huckleberries.
The kids and I had no vehicle to take us to swimming lessons today, so we rode our bikes for about three miles. It was fun to watch Mr. Blueberry Eyes practice his brand-new knowledge of road signals and safety.
Tomorrow should be a better day! - Nanette
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Unfulfilled Lists
It is 8:30 p.m. and I didn't even get to the main things on my to-do-list for today. It started, I suppose, with the realization that the basil and kale needed to be picked and processed TODAY. I didn't want them going to seed. So, I washed and blanched and froze the kale and made the basil into pesto to freeze. It was lime basil and had a peculiar flavor, but was still yummy.
Then my brother and his friend agreed to help The Wood Artist change the transmision fluid in our "new" Tahoe. They bartered for a home cooked meal. So, of course, leftovers just wouldn't do. I made mazidra.
Added into the day was a swimming lesson and grocery shopping and an errand for The Wood Artist and here I sit, tired, with my to-do-list mostly intact! Oh, well. What doesn't get done before our weekend get-away will just remain undone!
This picture is a little hard to see, but it is a mommy and baby mountain goat traversing a very steep snowfield on the mountain we hiked a couple of weeks ago.
I'd love to hear how your harvests are coming along! - Nanette
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
Mr. Blueberry Eyes woke up with a sore throat this morning. I hope the oreganol oil I gave him works quickly. I'm letting him take it easy. He's watching nature videos.
There's not much noteworthy going on in our lives right now. I doubt you want to hear about the piles of ironing, weeding and garage cleaning that need doing! TTFN - Nanette
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Today I enjoyed a walk/jog of nearly 5 miles. A thunderstorm was chasing me, but I won. My health is steadily improving and it felt good to feel strong.
I harvested some huge German Giant radishes today from my garden and weeded two onion beds. Now I'm just being lazy and intend to stay that way for the rest of the day! I think I hear a book calling my name! - Nanette
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy Birthday, America!
These pictures are from our hike last Sunday. We hiked a mountain that is about 45 minutes from our house. It was beautiful and I was proud of the kids. Because we drove part way up, the hike was only about an 1800 foot climb. The views were spectacular and so was the wind! The mountain goats were slightly skiddish, but not very shy. One of them had a tiny baby who scampered across a steep, snowy hill so fast we held our breath!
We are looking forward to celebrating our country's birthday. There will be a picnic with friends. I'm taking black bean salsa - my 4th of July tradition. After dark there will be a "potluck" fireworks show. We will read stories about our forefathers and marvel at their courage in the face of an uncertain outcome. (We'll miss our friends that can't be there - especially Piro-Man and his family. How we miss that family!)
Now, our earphones are playing the Judds and Mr. Blueberry Eyes is singing along: "Grandpa, tell me about the good old days.... Did lovers really fall in love to stay? Did families really bow their heads to pray?"
It has been a long, hard two weeks and I'm tired and grumpy. But I'm going to get some sleep and trust that my Saviour can restore my peace of mind! And, I'm going enjoy my country's birthday. I hope you do, too! - Nanette
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Bridesmaid Dressses and Bear Skins
My current project is altering a lovely bridesmaid's gown. I have this great barter arrangement with a massage therapist. I sew or alter clothing for her, and she gives me massages. Its a win/win. This alteration has to do with an ill-fitting neckline and I'm trying a simple thing first. If it works, it will save me tearing into some very sensitive fabric.
But today is a big day in other departments. I think I mentioned that we heard from the Fish, Wildlife and Parks that we cannot have the bear that my Dad shot some weeks ago. It looks so much like a grizzly bear that they are doing a life-size mount and will display it next to a grizzly mount. I'm told one of the rangers thought it was a grizzly.
Anyway, they did have another cinnamon colored black bear for us. It is much smaller (about 1/2 or less). So today is skinning day. Trapper Girl is here to help us with her expertise. When we are done, we will take it to a tanner. Can't wait to let the students touch the pelt. The Warden said he will help us get other pelts and skulls for our Tutoring Service. The kids love to touch and handle things like this.
I'm done with my morning students and am heading out to change clothes and try my hand at skinning a bear. Barbaric? Maybe so. - Nanette