Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Up In the Night

I'm up in the middle of the night. Well, for me anyway. It was about 3:50 a.m. last time I looked. I'm not normally an early riser, but this new thyroid medication is doing strange things to me. The muscle cramps in my neck didn't help, either. I was hoping my neighbors weren't up also and wondering why I was doing Tae Bo punches in my living room that early in the night. Boxing always helps my neck cramps. Weird, I know.
Or maybe it was because I was troubled over the Africa project. There are exciting and fabulous things rolling in, but I'm not having good success yet at finding tools and toys they need. (I know God will send it to us, but I was trying to help God out. Not a good idea. It makes one lose sleep!) I spent a long time yesterday calling box stores and other businesses seeking donations. I got a lot of friendly voices and people excited about the project, but am currently tied up in applications, faxes, and "will call you backs". I asked for help from my church family, but so far no takers on this part. I guess everyone is just as shy about fundraising as I am. I'm not complaining. They have been an absolutely incredible support in the other facets of this project. I feel so blessed to have such a great church family.
Maybe it was because I'm having a Mommy's time out today. The Wood Artist said he would "do the math" with the kids. I get to have a cranial/sacral treatment. That should help the neck cramps. What on earth will I do with the rest of the time? I mean I do have plenty I could and need to do. But it seems that if one is being given a break, one should take it! Maybe I'll get a new book from the library and find a cozy coffee (decaf Chai) shop to read it in for a while. I'll let you know what I decided to do.
In other news, Laughing Water got the stomach flu in the middle of the night a few nights ago. Poor dumplin' was awful sick. She vomited about 12-13 times in about 15 hours. She is still dehydrated and not wanting to eat much, but is on the mend. Mr. Blueberry Eyes had had it last week in the middle of the night. (Maybe that is my problem. My body thinks this is a new trend!) I give my family activated charcoal when they get sick. And, if anyone is wondering how to get that out of carpet.... hydrogen peroxide does wonders!
Regarding this post's picture. No, I'm not still getting flowers from my garden. This was taken several weeks ago! Cheers! Hope you're all sleeping peacefully! Nanette

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying the little window on your life through your blog! It lets me 'watch' you doing Tae Bo punches in the middle of the night without losing a wink myself. ;) Hope you had a refreshing Mommy's day off.

Karen E.
